About 4-5 months ago we wrote a blog about the need to move FPCT Tesifa Children's Home to Raskazone, another area of Tanga. We wanted to relocate for many reasons, but mainly because we felt the prompting of the Spirit, the paramount reason for any decision taken. We want to first of all thank those who helped to make this possible, whether through providing finances, or being busy on the ground finding properties and making the move happen, or covering us with prayer, without these none of this would be possible.
We praise God because we now have moved and over the past two months have all been settling into our new environment. The Children have moved into an old two-storey building that is perfect inside for our needs, good sized rooms, big enough compound to grow our own veg and accross the road from the ocean. More importantly our children can now walk to school which is about 15 minutes away, meaning they no longer have to get up at 5am to prepare to catch school transport just after 6am. Now they don't have to leave until 7:15 and of course they return home earlier helping them enjoy a better quality of life.
This last week we had a party to celebrate two birthdays in the house, what a wonderful time of fun we had, also we've been able to borrow a projector and enjoy movie evenings together as a community. And that's the biggest blessing of all of this, we now have a greater sense of community, almost all of our staff and family all living close together, learning the real meaning of eklesia, where fellowship is a way of life and we can see ourselves being prepared for the next chapter.